Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! We had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend, where we spent time at the cabin with family. Sophie got to meet her Crazy Uncle Mac, Aunt Emily and their kids. We had a great time as the weather warmed up- in the 60's! and it felt as if summer was on the way. Sophie, in particular, had an especially good time as there were lots of people willing to hold and snuggle with her. This equates to a perfect day in Sophie's world.
A little note about the above picture- it's not particularly good of either of us, but it has a story behind it. Sophie has a routine, diaper change then eat. We do not stray from this routine. On Mother's Day we thought that we would change her before heading out to the cabin- it was about an hour and a half before she was supposed to eat, and we foolishly figured that she would go back to sleep after we changed her. Well, Sophie woke up after being changed and proceeded to tell us that she was ready to eat. We tried to distract her by giving her a pacifier- which only made her mad, all that sucking and no food-but we held firm to the fact that it was not time to eat yet. As you can see from the above picture, Sophie pulled out all her baby tricks and proceeded to chew on her little hand. We fed her after that. Yes, she is training us quite well.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashie, Carl and Sophie! This is cuz Geoff, I was thinking I might stop by and see the newest addition to the family. It would be around the 20th of June, I am heading up the Island a bit late this year so I am leaving abq around the 15th. Is this a good time? I would at most only stay two nights or so. Do you all have any plans around those dates?
    You can email me a, or you can call me 5202472591, what is your cell #?
    I hope all is well, kiss Sophie for me and we will talk soon.
