Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sophie's 4!

Sophie is 4!  She has changed a lot this year-she still has her sassy moments, but is mainly my happy, silly little girl.  Sophie wanted a pink kitty cat cake, which seemed fitting since she spends most of her time as a cat.  I have had to patch several pairs of pants, as she has ripped holes in the knees from crawling around on the floor.  Her favorite color is pink, and she is usually in multiple shades of pink daily. Here are some quick facts about our Sophie:
Height: 43 inches (3'7) this is the 97%.  Sophie is always the tallest kid in every class that I enroll her in, does not matter if other children are 1 or 2 years older.  She is a tall girl.
Weight: 43lbs. Since she is so tall, she is quite slender.  She pretty much lives in leggings, as pants that fit her in length never fit her waist.
Favorite Foods:  Still cheese and fruit. Sigh.  But she is starting to eat bread now and a couple bites of cheeseburger every now and then.  I have my fingers crossed that one day she will eat normal kid foods like mac and cheese and pizza.  This would make life much easier when we travel.  Not everyone has cheese sticks and cottage cheese on their menu.
Favorite Activities:  Sophie is still very physical and does not sit still for long. She loves being outside and going to the pool.  Sophie lives in her imagination right now and often has invisible friends, and animals playing with her.  She loves reading books and playing with her stuffed animals and Barbie dolls. Life with Sophie is never quiet or calm, but it's always an adventure!

 Pink kitty cake.  Sophs was thrilled!
 Very excited to get a Barbie with a car.  Barbie has been driving all around our house.  She is a reckless driver.
 Blowing party blowers with Elly.  Sophs was super excited to be able to blow it herself.
 Celebrating with the cousins. They were super kind to drive all the way up to spend the day with Sophie.
We brought kitty cookies to preschool, so she could celebrate with her school friends. All the kids were acting like cats when I picked her up- a sign of a good kitty party!

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