Sunday, November 17, 2013

Cade at 18 months

Our little Cade is 18 months!  He's actually almost  20 or 17 months, but since keeping track of his age is very confusing, I have been saying he's 18 months, for a couple of months now. Here are his current stats:
Height 34.5 inches This puts him in the 75% for 20 months, or the 95th for 17 months.
Weight 26.6 lbs. This puts him at the 50th percentile for both 20 and 17 months. For the record, Sophie was the exact same for both height and weight at her 18 month check up.  He just might be a big boy after all!

Cade's favorite thing right now is following his sister around the house.  She both loves and hates this. He also loves books, running, doing anything outside, and his favorite blue puppy that he will not sleep without.  Cade loves to climb on top of the kitchen table, the couch, and can almost get on top of our bed. I have a fear that he will be climbing out of his crib quite soon.  He also loves to get into the pantry, so much so that we actually had to get a lock installed on it.  Cade also loves to be held by his mama, and is usually a fixture on her hip before every meal time. I have gotten pretty good at fixing things one handed.
 Cade also loves to color.  Sophie hates to color, even now it is not a fun activity for her- merely something she has to get done before she can move onto the next project.  Cade will sit for a good 5-10 minutes and color happily.  It makes the time at restaurants go much more quickly!

Dislikes: His main dislikes right now are getting his diaper changed- he still hates those cold wet wipes, and coming in from outside.  He also gets furious when he realizes that the pantry door is locked, and he cannot sneak any snacks. Since he is quickly approaching 2, he is getting pretty good at throwing tantrums.

Sleep: By and large, Cade is an excellent sleeper. He is still transitioning to 1 nap a day.  When he does only take 1 nap, that nap can be anywhere from 2.5-3 hours!  It's amazing!  Sophie never slept that long.  Ever.

Talking:  Cade is starting to talk quite a bit.  He has between 15-20 words that he uses-  his main words are: no, car, go, spoon, and pup (talking about his blue puppy).

When we do find Cade sitting still, which is rare, he is usually "reading" books.  He loves his books!

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