Monday, May 5, 2014

Sophie's 5 year old stats

We have seen a lot of changes in our Sophie this last year, here are her current stats:
Height- Sophie is just under 4 ft, at 47inches.  This puts her off the chart for her height percentile. She is currently head and shoulders taller than anyone in her preschool. Most people are shocked to find out that she just turned 5, people usually assume she is in elementary school. She is growing so fast that she often wakes up and complains that her legs are sore.

Weight- 43 pounds, this puts her at the 70%. Sophie weighs the exact same from last year. In fact, she has only gained 3 pounds in the last 2 years. This is not lack of eating- she comes home from preschool, where she just ate, and will eat a second lunch with us. I am scared to think of what she will be like when she is a teenager.

Favorite things- Sophie is into princesses, anything Disney she instantly loves.  She also loves books, and is now reading independently.  It is fun to pick her up from preschool and see her reading while she waits for me.  Sophie is such a good reader that she follows along with the text while I read, and often corrects me. There is no way to skip a few words or paragraphs anymore. Sophie also loves playing outside, playing in the pool, and playing her Leap Pad.  Sophie also has a strong imagination, and still has imaginary friends. She is constantly making up new games.  Dont worry if you dont know how to play, she will tell you everything to do and say.

Dislikes- Sophie likes to be the boss, and to have everyone do exactly as she wants- really, this is how life should be.  She has always been strong willed, and continues to be. She both likes/dislikes playing with  Cade because he is more than happy to do anything she wants, in fact he thinks anything she does is wonderful, but she gets tired of having him follow her around everywhere.

Sleep- I have no doubt when Sophie is older, she will be one of those people who only need 4 or 5 hours of sleep every night. Sophie has never been a long sleeper, even as a baby. It takes her a long time to wind down every night, and she wakes up bright and early.

Food- Preschool has helped tremendously.  Sophie will eat almost anything they serve, and will now order off a menu at restaurants. Her favorite meal is a quesadilla, she loves fruit and cheese.  She is also really good at eating her veggies.

Sophie has grown up quite a bit this last year.  Gone are the tantrums, the pickiness, and impatience.  She can now wait easily at a restaurant, or in line.  She is working on writing her letters and doing basic math.  She is already reading and picks up on things extremely easily.  She is almost too ready for kindergarten, and is already talking about when she goes off to college. But she always asks that I come along to college with her- this lets me know that she is still 5. I doubt she will want me there when she is 18.

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