Grandpa braved the cold and built a snowman with the kids. Sophie is adding a finishing touch. By the way, the clump of snow on top of his head is a hat.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Merry First Christmas!
Grandpa braved the cold and built a snowman with the kids. Sophie is adding a finishing touch. By the way, the clump of snow on top of his head is a hat.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Christmas Cookies
As you can see, Sophie's frosting skills mirror my own, the more the better!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas
Coming to investigate what exactly this giant box was in our living room.
Carl and I had never set the tree up this fast before- Sophie kept bringing us more and more branches and did not seem to care that they were supposed to go in a certain order.
Christmas lights are very exciting.
Daddy was moving a little too slowly while putting the lights on the tree- Sophie had to come help.
We decorated the tree later, it's a good thing we have lots of non-breakable ornaments.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
We just returned from Portland, and had a wonderful time! Sophie absolutely loves being with her Nana, and I greatly appreciated all the extra help (since Sophie is in a Sassy stage). It was a lot of fun to be able to shop, run errands, go see movies, take naps and relax while Sophie was being well taken care of. In fact, usually when I returned, Sophie would cry because her special time with Nana was over. The only downside to being in Portland? Sophie demands to do the same thing, in the same order that we did the last time we visited. Mom and I had to rack our brains to remember exactly which games we played, where we played them, and even where we were sitting. I can’t believe that Sophie remembers all the details about everything we did on our last visit, but she does. It was hard to take pictures of her doing different actives.
Wearing Jewelry is still very exciting. What’s better than wearing 1 necklace? Wearing 20.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Me and My Car
Sophie has gotten quite good at riding her car. She zips around the house, never slowing for corners or turns. Every once and a while, she will go so fast that she crashes into a wall, which only makes her laugh. She is quite content to sit on her car all night, preferring to ride around everywhere instead of walking. I believe that she is a future city girl.
Stopping mid-chase to play in her kitchen.
The video has an annoying high pitch sound, which is the lovely music the car plays. But, what is great about the video is that it shows how fast Sophie flys down the hall. When she is going really fast, she flings her head back and tucks in her toes, for maximum speed. I'm not sure what she says at the end, but I think I can hear a "booyah" in there. Oh dear.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Halloween 2011
By the way, if you are wondering where our pictures of pumpkins are, we did not carve any. I had brought them inside 6 hours before we intended to carve them, but they were still frozen solid. When I tried to cut into the pumpkin, it literally bent the carving knife in half. Living in Montana is super fun.
Enjoying some candy after Halloween- notice that she is already a pro, double fisting with a sucker in one hand, and Snickers in the other. Carl and I are very proud.
*Sophie woke up the next day, put her costume on over her jammies and asked to go trick-or-treating again. Unfortunately, she has a long wait.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
I Like to Bake!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Pumpkin Patch
The recycle tire/horse swing. Always fun when it's 35 degrees outside.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Portland Trip
Playing the giant drums, always fun.