1. She still likes to be held, but her favorite position has changed from laying on your chest with her head tucked under your chin to being cradled. Sophie would be perfectly happy being held all day, it has been quite the challenge to get her to sleep in her crib and not on us.
2. Eating. Eating is a very serious activity and should not be delayed in anyway- see dislike number 1. In addition to being held all day, Sophie would like to eat all day as well. She is now on a schedule but still tries to convince us that she should be eating more, and more often.
3. She likes anything that moves. This includes her swing, bouncy chair, stroller, and even her car seat- she knows that the car seat goes in the stroller or car and both of these things move.
1. Being burped. Being burped is a major flaw in her joy of eating. She will do anything to get out of burping. This includes whining, crying, trying to sit, even trying to stand, and arching her back in a dramatic 2 year old temper tantrum style. We may have our work cut out for us in a couple of years, as she is already executing this tantrum tactic quite well.
2. Being cold. Sophie still loves her bath, and is starting to splash around in the water which has been quite fun, but the 5 minutes after the bath are a race to get her diaper and pajamas on as quick as possible as she will scream until she is toasty warm again.
3. Cold water. The first time Carl dipped Sophie's toes in the water she fussed, but did not let out a major cry. Carl then proceeded to dip her little toes in the water every weekend until she let him know that this would not be tolerated any longer by letting out a couple of big screams. The score so far stands as Sophie 1 Carl 0.