Monday, May 31, 2010

My Walker

Our little Sophs has all the sudden really started to wanted to walk. She does it now from object to object- table to chair- with out being prompted or bribed by the cell phone or remote. Ah, what would we do without the phone or remote? Sophs would never have learned how to crawl or walk with out them. She now really enjoys using her walker- although she is a terrible at steering, so she requires Carl or I to follow along behind her as she is constantly running into walls.
Here is my latest video of her- Warning- do not watch on a full stomach as much shaking occurs. The Blair Witch Project might have nothing on me.


  1. Yeah Soph! What a good little walker. I bet she will take off with doing it all her own soon.

  2. Sophie! You are such a good walker and talker. Dick and I are so impressed. Carl and Ash--look for Geoffie to let you know if he is coming through Montana the end of June!
