Wednesday, July 28, 2010

15 months

Sophie recently had her 15 month check-up, and we have some new stats to report:
Height- 32 1/2 inches- 90%
Weight- 25 lbs-90% (yes, she is officially a quarter pounder)
Teeth- Still those same blasted 8 that she has had since she was 8 months old.
Favorite foods- Any kind of fruit, any kind of dairy but particularly cheese, goldfish, and juice
Disliked foods- the only foods that we have found her to dislike are broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus. These foods are fine with us, as we do not eat them either. I am desperately hoping that she will hate pickles as well, as I can not stand the sight of them. I have yet to let her try any for fear that she will love them and I will be forced to touch them (shudder).
Words- She currently says parts of words for words- ba (ball) bah (bath) buh (bear) nah nah (no no) mah (more)
Naps- She is still taking 2 naps, which I love as it gives me a couple of breaks in the day, but I fear they are coming quickly to an end. Sigh...
Favorite Activities- Swimming in the pool, and anything outside. Sophie can spend literally hours walking around outside, picking up rocks and collecting them in buckets, and just exploring. She will be very upset when it is winter and we are inside.
Here is Sophie at her water table, as you can see, she is trying to get in it.

Here is Sophie on the tramp at the cabin. Carl and I like it because she is in an enclosed space, and we can actually sit down and rest.

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