Tuesday, October 19, 2010

18 Months

Sophie is officially a year and a half. Boy does time fly! We have seen lots of changes in her in these last couple of months. She seems to have lost all of her baby features and is now a toddler! Here is an updated list of facts about our Sophie:

Height: 34.5 inches- officially off the growth chart
Weight: 26.5 pounds- she has dropped down to the 80th %

Likes: Still likes to be outside, watch Barney (unfortunately), read books, play independently,swimming, and helping clean up.

Dislikes: Having her diaper changed. Changing her diaper is the most trying part of our day as she screams, kicks, rolls and spins in avoidance. I am trying different things to help encourage her towards potty training, but so far zero interest.

Sleep: She is officially down to one nap a day, which I have to admit, I dislike.

Eating: She is still very, very picky. We are down to: Cheese, peas, fruit, cottage cheese and yogurt. That's it. I am longing for the days of only fixing mac-and-cheese. Or at least something that she can order off of a menu.

Words: Sophie still babbles quite a bit, but her new word is berries- it sounds like ber-ees.

By the way, in the picture at the top, we were trying to capture her Justin Bieber hair-do. I feel as though I must state clearly, that I do not like Justin Bieber and could not even tell you what songs he sings, but I know who he is since I am a fan of People Magazine. Soph's has got the Bieber fever.

Sophie is definitely a Daddy's girl right now. When he comes in the door, she runs to him and does not look my way until it is time for bed. Her favorite thing to do is to climb on top of him and have him read to her- she is currently obsessed with word books.

This video was taken last month. I wish that I could say that she is a much neater, and cleaner eater now- but no. She is messsy!

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