Sunday, November 7, 2010

Professional 18 Month Pictures

We recently had Sophie's 18 month pictures taken. Sophie loves the bright flash of the camera and thoroughly enjoyed every minute! Due to all of her excitement, she was dancing around on the table and happened to fall off. This brought lots of tears, not because of the fall, but because she was upset that her picture session was over. So, we put her back on the table where she promptly got back into position and smiled at the camera. I'm sure she was thinking, "Ready for my closeup!"
We brought her trick-or-treat bucket and placed an enticing mint inside. She could not wait to reach in a grab it!

Clapping, because taking pictures is such fun!

Sitting on blocks and smiling after her big fall.

1 comment:

  1. She is practicing to follow in her mother's footsteps. Miss Montana, here she comes!
