Monday, March 5, 2012

Something about Mary

Sophie has never named any toys or animals that she plays with. The stuffed animals that she sleeps with every night are named bear, bunny, and kitty cat. I'm assuming you can guess what they are. Whenever we ask her what we should name the new baby she just looks at us and says, "baby." So it came as quite a shock when she actually named one of her Little People toys. The picture above is a little doll she named Mary. I am not sure where she came up with this name, as she has never met any Mary's before. It is a surprise that she named this doll- she rarely plays with it, and it usually hangs out with the rest of the Little People. Regardless, this doll is always referred to as Mary. Hmmm

Sophie has also named her step stool Toobie. This name took me forever to figure out what she was talking about. Unlike Mary, who is very rarely played with, Toobie is a central figure in Sophie's life. She is constantly carrying it around to reach new places and see what new trouble she can get into. Silly me, I thought the step stool would just stay in the bathroom. Whenever someone new comes over to the house, Sophie will run and get her step stool, pat it affectionately and say "Toobie." So far, everyone has had the good sense to smile and act impressed.

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