Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Baking

Making cookies- for the record, we didn't notice that Sophie was completely covered in flour until we were halfway through the cookie process.  It was only then that we noticed that we had gone through half a jar of flour...

 More and more flour.

 Sophie is Miss Independent right now and wants none of my help.  So, if you squint your eyes you can kind of tell what shapes our cookies are in.

Sophie did take the task of decorating very seriously.  She knew exactly what colors she wanted to "paint" each cookie and which color of sprinkles.  I thought that she would just decorate a couple with me, but she did such a good job that I let her decorate them all.  Near the end, she applied a little too much pressure to one cookie and it broke.  She looked very upset and close to tears when I told her that when one breaks we can eat that part.  She promptly picked up her knife, and using it in an ice chisel fashion, broke a cookie into many pieces.  Then smiled and ate all the little pieces.  Yup, that's my girl.

We made gingerbread boys one night and Sophie thought that that was a lot of fun too!  Unlike last year, where she didn't eat any of the candy, this year she sampled each piece before placing it on her gingerbread boy.
Decorating is a serious and tasty task!
 Stopping mid-decorating to sample the cookie.  Mmmm.....

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