Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Birthday Boy

 It's official- Cade is a year old! I am not sure how it happened, time seems to have literally flown by this past year. Here are his current stats:
Height: 30 inches (50 %) on the 9 month stats he is at the 90%
Weight: 22 lbs (70%) on the 9 month stats he is 95%
Teeth:3- He seems to be a very slow teether, he will have buds for weeks before the teeth finally emerge.
Naps: 2- he is a very good sleeper- he usually takes an hour nap in the morning, and 2 hours in the afternoon, and sleeps from 7:30 to 7:00 ( except when he is teething, and then he is miserable)
Favorite foods: Anything he can cram into his mouth.  He loves it all!
Disliked foods: Nothing.  He wants to eat everything we have and will lunge for food on our plates.
Mobility: Cade crawls everywhere and is very fast.  He is pulling up on everything and cruising on our furniture. His favorite activity right now is crawling up stairs.
Favorite toys: Anything his sister has, his activity table, and anything that makes loud noises.
Favorite activites: Eating and bath time are favorites!
Disliked activities: Getting his diaper changed, changing his clothes
Personality: Cade is a very happy, very mellow fellow.  He is easy going and very content in life.  We feel very blessed to have him in our family!

Sophie helping Cade open presents
                                                           Snuggling with Daddy

All the kids loved the noisy fire truck

Cade and Daddy before the big cake eating moment
Cade had a giraffe theme party

                                                          licking the plate clean
                                   Cade loved the cake and shoved it into his mouth at record speed!

                                               I love cake and ice cream!  Is there more?

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday! He is so cute! I can't believe he is a year either. How especially awesome his stats are after his early start at life. So happy for you guys and your beautiful family!
