Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Swim Lessons

 Sophie has been enjoying going to swim lessons lately.  She has a great deal of enthusiasm and has a hard time waiting for her turn.  Instead of just sitting and waiting patiently for her tun she comes up with all kinds of games and activities to do.  These games are such fun, that often the other kids in the class decide to join her.  In other words, we have the trouble maker. But, swimming is a great activity for her and it gets out a lot of energy.  At least once a week, Cade and I will join Sophie in the water after her lesson.  Cade loves the water and happily splashes and crawls around.  unfortunately, Cade thinks that he can breathe under water and will continue to crawl into deeper and deeper water.  He needs constant supervision.  I am thankful that Sophie can now touch throughout the entire pool so she can be independent.  Swim lessons have been very good for her, and I hope to continue having her in them.

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