Monday, February 1, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Sophie has been very busy trying to crawl. She is now attempting to do the "army crawl" and this exhausts her. Hurray! She is mostly motivated by the remote, and once again, Carl's cell phone. Interestingly, she does not seem to care for my phone, only Carl's. Now that she is becoming more mobile, she is starting to get bumps and bruises from her new adventures. Carl tells me that this will make her tough, but I feel bad when I am not quick enough to catch her.
Sophie has also begun to realize that her mouth is a great place for holding things while keeping her hands free. She often has her froggy chewy toy in her mouth as she roams around the room. Every so often she will stop, take out the frog, play with it, and then stick it back in and roll some more. The froggy toy is her favorite toy right now, she will sift through her entire toy bin until she finds it. This is most likely because she sprouted 3 teeth this past week- yes, 3- and the toy feels good on her gums.

We're not sure why we find this funny. Sophie has a very large head right now, and her onesies often get stuck when we attempt to pull them off. She is very good natured about it, in fact things on her head do not bother her one bit.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww I love that last picture little grin. She is sooooo darling. Watch out for having a crawler in the house- it becomes a whole new adventure. :)
