Thursday, February 25, 2010


Our sweet little baby has had pneumonia this past week. It all started with a cold, since Sophs has had colds on and off since the middle of December this was not a big deal. The cold then turned nasty and we made our first trip into the doctors. She was given an antibiotic and we were sent home. Four days later she was still not any better so we went back to the doctor, told it was croup, and given a different antibiotic. She seemed to be getting better but then got worse seemingly over night. Sophie was now having trouble breathing, not eating and no longer wanting to play. We went back to the doctor- third times a charm- and were told that she needed to go into the hospital to receive oxygen and that she now had pneumonia. We spent 24 hours under an oxygen tent, Carl and I taking turns every couple of hours, holding Sophie on our laps. By the way, there are several things that Sophie did to entertain herself while under the tent: try to escape the tent; stick your fingers in the unsuspecting adults ear, eyes and nose; try to grab and pull down the tent; eat the tent, as it made a delicious crinkly noise.
Sophie now is much better but still requires breathing treatments every 6 hours for 2 weeks. The breathing treatments are not fun and they require us to hold Sophie on our laps for 30 min. This was impossible at the beginning, but we have now found the secret to having her sit quietly and still for a half hour- simply watch basketball on TV. Yes, it is sad but true. Sophie is riveted by basketball and will even shift around in her seat to get a better view if you happen to block the TV. We have tried Sesame street, and Barney but she could care less about them. Carl is of course thrilled. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Poor little one- and no fun for Mom and Dad. I am impressed with Carl teaching her to watch B'ball!

    For some reason I can only post comments like 1/2 the time. I've been trying for like a week now.
