Thursday, April 29, 2010

One Year Updates

We recently had Sophie's one year photos taken. I was very pleased to find a photographer to come to our house to snap the pictures, where we have an endless supply of Cheerios, puffs, and other enticing baby food to keep our little one happy. Here are her current stats:
Height- 30.5 inches- 90%
Weight- 23 lbs-80%- yes, she is taller than she is wide, phew!
Teeth- Still 8, I say still because it seems like she has been teething her back molars forever. Still waiting for those suckers to pop up and make life less painful for everyone.
Sleep- We have entered the good life, Sophie now sleeps from 7:30-7:00. She is still not a very good napper, she takes 2 naps and we are lucky if each nap lasts an hour.
Food- Meals are the highlight of her day, she often cries when the food is gone. Bananas are her favorite food, and she can easily wolf down the entire 'nanner. She often will give me a glare if I try to share her nanner with her. Right now we are trying to wean her off formula, which is proving difficult as she does not like milk. I have been sneaking a little into her bottle everyday, we are now up to 2 ounces of milk per bottle. Sophie now stops drinking from her bottle at the last 2 ounces. We can't really sneak anything past her.
More one year photos:


  1. These pictues are awesome. Wish we could find someone like that here.

  2. Holy crap! What adorable pictures. That dress is perfect. Where did you find it?

  3. I found the dress at Ross- I was super excited because it was 6.99. I love a good deal!

  4. Those are absolutely gorgeous! I love the Anne Geddes baby-in-a-pot picture. Congrats on Sophie's first steps!
