Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas Part 2

We made it back from Portland, and are glad to be home for a while! Sophie was very pleased to be back at Nana's house- and succeeded in destroying the place in under a day. A new personal record. Since she had just a Christmas, she knew exactly what to do and was able to focus on opening her presents. One of her favorite gifts, a new Barney stuffed animal that sings. This gets played a lot. Thanks Nana-can you sense the sarcasm?
My mom has a Latin CD that Sophie loves. LOVES. She asks to listen to the song at least 6 times a day. We all took turns dancing with her. Here is Uncle Sam striking his best pose.

We waited in line Christmas Eve to see Santa. Carl and I knew ahead of time that this would not be a pleasant experience for Sophie, and that she would be screaming in the picture. What I did not anticipate was her super strong arms and her amazing ability to cling to Carl in order to get away from Santa. After about 30 seconds of trying to pry her off, Santa looked at Carl and said, "Let's do a family picture instead." So now we have a family picture of Sophie looking dazed and worn out from her scream fest and Carl and I happily smiling at the camera.

We had a wonderful Christmas, and are adjusting to being back home. For Sophie this means not having 3 adults and a dog chase her everywhere she goes, and for me this means not having desert after every meal. No small square of fudge after breakfast, how am I to face the day?

1 comment:

  1. Is Barney still around? I think Barney needs to get lost accidentally, of course. Or perhaps think the oven is a dinosaur cave and go inside and then get baked to death.
